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Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 14, noon to 4 pm in the MHS cafeteria.  That's 915 E 11 Mile Road, Madison Heights, MI 48071.  With the recent renovation, the school is now air conditioned and in surprisingly beautiful shape.  It does not show its age although it was opened in 1960 and used continuously since then.
This year will be a rerun of the very successful reunion last year.  Jack Myers and Mrs. Joseph (nee Miss Stewart) are regular attendees and love to reminisce.  We plan on Mike Kaufman ('71) and Gary Vettori ('71 - health permitting) being the emcees.  The cafeteria will be decorated, and the school will provide catering in the form of box lunches.  As always, there will be a large variety of cold drinks and plenty of coffee to go around. There MAY be some period music in the background to add a bit to the ambiance.  
The annual reunion is really a group of mini-reunions.  Tables are marked by class year so that you can easily find your classmates and friends from other years.  If you haven't been, you really should give it a try.  We get great feedback from those who do.
This year, as last, we will ask for a donation at the door to cover costs.  It will again be $13 per individual and $25 per couple.  You are more than welcome to bring a spouse, sibling or friend.


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